Friday, October 1, 2010

What type of women are men really looking for?

A few years back I was having dinner with a group of ladies and the conversation turned to (as it always does when single women are talking) about what type of women do men prefer?  Is it women with strong personalities?  Ones that are more meek in nature?  What??!!  I get that men are more visual in nature, but I want to give them credit in thinking that they can see past cosmetics to get to the heart of what a person is really about.  What is it that keeps them interested?

Two of us, Alpha females in our own right, began incessantly questioning one of our table mates about her recent blossoming relationship, and secretly wondering why her and not us.  We interrogated her in a way that if Dick Wolf were at the next table listening, he would have instantly offered us roles as detectives on one of his "Law & Order" shows.

Still not having any clear direction after the meal, and thinking that maybe if I toned down my outgoing and gregarious personality, I'd be married in 2.5 years, I went on about my life.  Even after talking to various men, reading books and taking single Sunday School classes, I still have no clue as to what men want!  But before I began making reservations to attend my own pity party, it occurred to me that I have a great number of women friends from various ages, racial backgrounds, shapes and sizes who I think are amazing women and they are all still single!  So I'm left to wonder: if I think we are all incredible and have a lot to offer, why can't men see this as well?  Something can't be wrong with all of us, can it?  But, we're not freaking out because we know that when he comes, he comes and in the meantime we will love, support and encourage each other to continue to be the fabulous women that we are!

So, that's Taraztake for today, what are your thoughts?


  1. I don't know if I can tell you what they are looking for, but I think women should go out and look for what they want. If you wait for a man to find you then you might find the kind that can't pack his own suitcase or make his own lunch.

  2. Nicole, that is a good point. But, is it wrong to not be on the hunt? Why do we have to go out and look for men? Can't we just meet or be introduced by others? I'm a little afraid to go seeking, because we may find something that we don't want.

  3. As a man I can tell you one thing for sure, we don't know what we want. The truth is there are only a few "good men" out there (defined as: won't cheat, wants to commit, likes women only, working) so it's realy a numbers game. Men also have another advantage, if they are single at 30 or 40 or even 50+ they can date/marry a women 10, 15, 20 yeas their junior. Women have the same option but don't usually want to exercise it. Even when a women makes an above average income they do not want to downgrade in their mate.

    Lastly, God is Good and I'm sure that someday your prince will come!!

