Thursday, September 23, 2010

Will this season mark the return of quality television writing?

In yesterday's post, I gave mini-reviews of some of the shows I had a chance to watch (other reviews will be forthcoming).  It was refreshing to finally get a look at some quality scripted dramas ("The Event", "Chase", etc.) and a really funny comedy ("Mike & Molly" - review to come) as opposed to all of the "reality" offerings that have seemed to overtake television programming.  Now don't get me wrong, I watch my fair share of reality shows as a guilty pleasure, but I long for the days of "The West Wing" (the episode "The Two Cathedrals" still remains in my mind the best hour of television writing I've ever seen in my life!), "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" (okay, so I'm an Aaron Sorkin devotee, what of it?) and others.  Do you remember where you were when you found out who actually did shoot J.R. Ewing?  Those are the television moments I miss.

What's starting to become troubling about these "reality" shows, is not only the sheer volume of them and the fact that they will make a "reality" show out of just about anything, but it is the way in which the producers seem to stage certain aspects in an effort to manipulate emotions from viewers.  While you couldn't make up the feud that was Jill vs. Bethenney on "The Real Housewives of New York" Danielle vs. everybody on "The Real Housewives of New Jersey", and the foolishness that can be found in the Atlanta offering, Bravo seems to delight in making sure that each season of their cash cow is more outrageous than the one before.

So I welcome this new television season with great anticipation, and so far I like what I'm seeing.  You can have your "Hair Battle Spectacular" "Jerseylicious" and "The Bad Girls Club", but me, I'll take Shonda Rimes, Tina Fey and the like over "reality" any day of the week.  Long live scripted television!

So that's TarazTake for today.  What are your thoughts?


  1. This is so true Tara.I'm only 29 and I missed the classic TV shows. I am so tired of reality tv. I think that we have had enough of dumb america entertainment and we wonder why our kids can not read on there grade level or pass the standard testing. I miss shows like the Cosby Show, The Fresh Prince and a A Different World. And Please no more game shows.

  2. Katrina, I hear you. I watch a lot of syndicated shows because the new stuff is so dumbed down.

  3. Thanks so much for your comments, and please tell your friends about TarazTake as my hope is to have thoughtful and intelligent dialogue on a number of topics!

  4. Hi T,

    Love the blog. Have not had a chance yet to watch any of the new shows because of my crazy schedule but I've Fivo a few. I did see the 2 season premieres for SVU and I really liked them. And welcome to the blogosphere. Looking forward to reading your posts.
