Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Exercising for the thinly challenged

Okay, so I've rededicated myself to working out in an effort to let my inner Beyonce body come out.  Now before you get all proud of me and say "yay Tara" or "you go, girl", I think you should know that I've been here before.  There were the 6:00am workouts; the marathon like elliptical sessions; the scary hip-hop class, that felt more like an audtion for a music video (it's also when I painfully discovered that all African-American women are not necessarily blessed with rhythm); and the five day a week strength training exercises, all of which have fallen by the wayside at one time or another.  And then came Zumba!!!

My love affair with this latin dance exercise class was developed after I had done some research to make sure that there weren't a ton of routines that required you leaving your feet (did I mention the scary hip hop class?).  When I figured that this wasn't just an exercise for skinny girls, I tried it.  In my opinion, the best thing about a good Zumba class is that the instructors give you the routine, but allow you to do it in a way that feels comfortable to you.   Therefore, those of us who may have a little more cushion than others, don't have to feel intimidated that we aren't doing it "right".  This could be the reason why each week I notice more and more of my fellow thinly challenged sisters and brothers taking the class.  What's also really cool about Zumba is that in addition to it being pure fun, you develop relationships with the people who tend to take the same classes with you each time.  My particular class is encouraging and supportive (including this wonderful woman in her 80's who never misses a session!), and when I miss a class I feel guilty, and miss them terribly.  Isn't that what a good exercise class should be about?

Now, I have a long way to go, and a lot of Zumba classes to take, before my inner Beyonce body makes her appearance, but I made a vow to myself that I will enjoy the journey.  And hey, if I ever want to speed up the process, there is always the elliptical machine!

So, that's TarazTake for today.  What are your thoughts?


  1. I've been hearing so much about these classes. I cannot wait to try one. I really need to get some cardio in every day!

  2. I love ZUMBA also...It's fun and sexy!

  3. Sounds like ZUMBA is awesome! You have really peaked my interest. Even an over 50 woman like me can join the fun!!!

  4. Hearing these stories makes me feel so happy I teach Zumba. :) I love looking out into my classes and seeing people having a blast moving at their own pace. That's the Best part of Zumba! Shake how you want, & move like you want. :)

  5. I'm with you. Zumba at the Y was really great when I did it. Unlike some other workouts that leave you tired and sweaty, it definitely leaves you energized and sweaty!

  6. Thanks for all the great comments!

    Samantha, I'm especially psyched to hear from a Zumba instructor, thanks for taking the time. Keep on inspiring people to "shake their groove thangs!"

  7. I like your approach to doing what you can to feel good about yourself! I am sick of hearing that the only way your life can be wonderful is if you are thin and therefore sexy. I am sorry, has anyone seen a model smiling? It is about a lifestyle and I love the one you have. Keep it up!

  8. im loving your blogs, keep up the good work.
